“Storm Before Calm” is the fourth album by Irish band Primordial, and it once more forcefully delivers the point that what we are dealing with here is simply one of the most unique, innovative and passionate bands to grace the Metal scene over the last decade.
From their genesis in the late 80’s and actual formation in 1991 they have added layer upon rich layer to their sound. From their classic 1993 demo “Dark Romanticism” through the albums “Imrama” (1995), “Journey’s End” (1998), “The Burning Season” MCD (1999) and lastly “Spirit The Earth Aflame” in 2000, Primordial have taken their post-Black Metal stance further and further.
Influenced and inspired by their folklore, culture and history among many themes and interveawing them with their epic, mighty, personal of melancholic yet always dark Heavy Metal, Primordial have created something intensely personal and emotive. Taking their inspiration originally from bands like Bathory, Candlemass, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Thin Lizzy etc. and the early Black Metal scene, Primordial have forged their own dark sound.
This album is a testament to the fact that while many bands loose direction and focus, passion and fire, Primordial simply get stronger and stronger. With several European tours, mini tours and festival appearances (with the likes of Immortal, Thyfing, Mayhem among others, festival appearances at Wacken, Full Force, Gothic Wave etc.) and a solid fanbase and the respect of many fans, journalists and fellow musicians alike, Primordial's fire cannot be quenched and “Storm Before Calm” should bring them further on their journey.
Just make sure you're down the front to feel some real Celtic passion if they come through your town, being a part of something truly unique in today's scene.