NGC Prod.
Lies Of The Machine
Aktuális felállás:
Dauda Judit
Clean vocals /
/ Gubicza Klára
Keyboards and sampler /
/ Csendőr Balázs
Guitar /
/ Csóré Milán
Bass /
/ Piskulic "Thor" Zoltán
Drums /
/ Buza "Don" Balázs
Voc, Harsh voc, general WTF on stage
Hivatalos oldal:
hivatalos oldal
További képek:
Lies Of The Machine
2014. december 30., kedd, 10:33
Utolsó módosítás:
2018. február 21., szerda, 11:56
Lies Of The Machine
Psychocircus on stage! Join us in our steam-powered crusade, and hear the lies of the machine!

The band was formed late spring of 2013 after a long and painful search for members. Why was it so long and painful? Because, whereas there were many musicians looking for a rock/metal band around that time, steampunk, as a musical genre (and actually, as whole) was quite unknown in our little country. Sure, there may have been a few people, who had some hazy ideas about what steampunk is ('aren't steampunks those fruity guys in those tall hats, with funny looking clothes? Ah, so lame..."), but the majority thought we want to create some kind of a twisted tribute to Sex Pistols.

Thankfully, by the beginning of May, our ragtag group of misfits was finally brought together, and lo, Lies Of the Machine was formed. Centered around an alternate universe, where a ruthless warlord, nowadays just referred to as the Machine Lord (or "that damned rustbucket" by the resistance), claimed near total domination over his world. Our songs tell the tales of this land...from both sides.

The music of Lies Of The Machine is quite diverse, each song being different from the other, but the main line could be drawn around an amalgamation of industrial, thrash, alternative, folk and symphonic elements. Wicked, distinctive, sometimes plain idiocy...but we love it!

Our first EP, "Daemocog" was released in November 2013, and is available for free download from our Facebook page.
Lies Of The Machine - Daemocog
Lies of the Machine - Freakshow (2016)
Kritika, Werewolfrulez @ 2016. szeptember 9., péntek, 01:44
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